Thursday, May 18, 2017

Macs Anthology 2017

The Hoiho class did heaps of different poems in 2017.

Yr 5/6 Camp Antarctic Centre

On the 9th of May 2017, all the Yr 5 and 6 in the Hoiho class went to Living Springs, Canterbury on Camp.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Persuasive Writing

We learnt how to write a argument.

We Should Be Allowed To Eat During Class Time

I strongly believe that children should be allowed to eat healthy food during class time.

Firstly it is hard to concentrate on a empty stomach. Students are more likely to fidget and not listen and get off task if they are hungry.

Secondly hunger can make learning difficult. The brain needs energy to make it function properly. If you are hungry you will have memory and concentration problems.

Thirdly eating healthy food in class would cut down on the amount of junk food eaten at play times. This would cut out behaviour problems created by unhealthy food.  It would also help to keep children healthier and maintain their ideal weight.

I believe children should be allowed to eat healthy snacks in class because food helps them to concentrate and it will cut down on unhealthy food eaten during breaks.

Chocolate Truffle Recipe

We were learning how to make a recipe for others to follow.

Chocolate Truffles

By Beau & Mac

Goal: To make a snack.   

You Will Need:   

1 packet of Wine Biscuits                                                 
Orange Juice                     
125g Butter
¼ Of Cocoa
1 Cup Of Icing Sugar

  1. Cut butter into 9 squares. Warm until soft put in a large bowl. DO NOT MELT.

  1. Break the wine biscuits into pieces and put them in a big glad bag.

  1. Bang the bag with rolling pin until    the biscuits are crumbs.

  1. Shake through sieve into large bowl.

  1. Sift cocoa and icing sugar into bowl. Add coconut and beat well to mix.

  1. Add the orange juice and beat again to mix it in.

  1. If the mixture is very soft, cool in the fridge for 10 minutes.

  1. With wet hands roll small spoonfuls in balls. Shake in bowl with coconut.

9. Refrigerate for several hours until firm then pack in allright jars.

Makes about 15.

Profile Sharing

We learned how to write a cyber-smart profile, sharing information that can be public, and keeping personal information private.