Monday, December 17, 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 1

New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia. The Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high. 30% of the country is forest.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Spider War 3

Spider War 3 

 We were very lucky to be alive. Months of fighting the big blue beasts day and night, there was blood, sweat and tears all over the battlefield. Wait, I will go to the beginning. I was sitting in front of the TV with my best friend Sam alongside me in our apartment that we rent together. The next day was a cold Monday morning when I woke to ground rumbling footsteps. I got out of my bed to go and see if Sam was OK. Lucky enough he was, but his halve of the apartment wasn't. It had been ripped off and thrown away into the distance. I ran to the window and I saw a horrible sight, there were big blue beasts that looked quite angry, they were quite unusual spiders, but they were huge. Sam and I got into our Humvee and drove around the neighbourhood gathering our fellow spiders, telling them there is an emergency meeting in the hall at exactly 10:00. Sure enough, they all showed up. We had a big discussion and some other spiders said they had just had a similar experience. We had a vote and we decided to make an army of the most dangerous spiders to attack the beast. Sam and I were the leaders of the army. We had to put up with them for months while our engineers built robots to battle against them. We also had to weave huge webs to pin them to the ground. The plan is to jump out of a plane with web parachutes and when we hit the ground we throw out the pockets size robots and get into them, use the claws to trip them up and then shoot big webs over them, and tell the beasts to stay away. The day had come and everything was ready to go, we had been waiting for this for about a year. The air troops boarded the plane and the ground troops were in there robots, everything was set up. Then all of a sudden thunder came. Boom! And it started to rain heavily, the ground troops shot the webs as fast as they could, then the spiders heard a loud bell ring and all the beasts ran away from us. We had WON! We had a celebration at Sam and I’s apartment. After a while the rain stopped and they all came running out again, it looked like they were coming for their revenge we tried to hold them back from the village but they were just too big. Our plan didn't work but a few weeks later there was a strong wind that blew some of the village over then a ever bigger beast that they call the principal came and fenced our village off and so the beasts never came back in.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Active Field

The Active Field

The field is “active”, because people
are always running on it. It
is normally very noisy on the field,
except after school hours. Most people
play tag on it, but some go and climb
trees on the other side while some
people kick rugby balls over the posts.
The field has a long jump pit on it for PE.
There is a patch on the field that is really
muddy. It's fun to play in the mud but
we are not allowed to. The field is uneven
so the water runs right off it. I like the
new field because it is much more green
and healthy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Alphabet Hunt

Apple tree 
Doc Leaves  
Hot House
Lemon Tree
Rubbish bin

Apple trees give us apples to eat and oxygen to breathe.

Bees make sweet honey that we can eat and when they collect pollen they spread it to other flowers.

Cows eat the grass and provide milk for us and the stuff that they don’t need is good for the plants.

Doc leaves grow everywhere and the cows eat them so they are healthy and produce better milk.

Environment is what we live in ,the natural environment is good because animals can live in it but the man-made environment is not as good for nature.

field is good because cows can graze and stay in one place.  

Grapes are a delicious fruit so animals can eat them and they grow from a plant so the plant is good for the air.

hot house is good because plants can grow freely and it will stop the plants
from getting bugs.

Ivy grows up on trees and helps them grow straight and when ivy dies it if good for the soil.


Kale is a vegetable that is very healthy and most people do not like the taste.

Lemon Trees grow lemons that are sour and if you give it good soil it could grow 3-5 feet.
Monkey bars are good because it helps you get stronger and it is fun to play on.

Nails are holding the deck together so it doesn't collapse when we walk on it and it is high off the ground.

plants are good because we can pick food from some and they breath in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen

Rubbish bin is useful because we have a place to put our rubbish so our school has no litter and nature is clean.
Sy is great because at night there are stars but is also good because that is where the clouds are and they make rain.

Trees are plants so they breathe out oxygen ,that means that they are good for nature and for climbing.


Vegetables are extremely healthy so eat your veggies but they all grow from plants so they are all are extremely excellent for nature.

Water is amazing because it hydrates you and it can be used for so many things like for making power.

Xylophone is in the music cupboard and it is a musical instrument that makes a ding sound.



Thursday, March 1, 2018

Goliath Birdeater

Goliath Birdeater
By Mac & Rocco     Facts

What is the biggest spider in the world?   
Goliath birdeater tarantula
What does it eat?  
Birds, Insects, Snakes, Lizards, Bats, Rodents
Where does it live?
The goliath birdeater is native to the upland
rain forest regions of northern South America: Suriname,
Guyana, French Guiana and northern Brazil.
Female: 15-25 years, Male: 3-6 years
Scientific Name  
Theraphosa blondi
Leg Span:
Can be more than 12 inches
The female can lay up to 200 eggs

The End