Camp A few weeks ago we went on school camp. When we got to school we waited for everyone to get to school then the 3 classes got on the 3 buses. When we got there we unloaded our gear and they checked our day bags. My class went onto the beach and did some swimming games. We did this game where you had to get a stick before everyone else. Then we did water tug of war the boys won but then the adults bet our whole class! After that we go changed and went at lit some fires, my groups didn’t get our one going properly. Then on the main fire we made some dampers. They tasted really good! Then we went to the camp and set up our beds underneath the flys. Then we cooked our own tea. It wasn't the best tea but it was ok. After this we went to bed the boys in our tent stayed up till 3:00am. The teachers weren't very happy about that! The next morning we played some games and then walked back to the buses and went back to school. That camp was really quick!!!
wall done mac it is really good writing I like the bit when you had the tag of war